Animal Crossing vs My Neighbor Alice

Sumesh Kumar
6 min readSep 16, 2022


The following article will help the reader understand the difference and similarities between the decentralized platform game and the centralized platform game. The blockchain is a game-changer not only to cryptocurrency but in several other sectors, such as healthcare, education, financial service, trading, and gaming.

Nowadays, various games in the market create interest in kids and adults. Recently, the emergence of blockchain technology has helped many people to develop decentralized apps and games. One of these games is “My neighbor Alice” built using blockchain. “My neighbor Alice” game got inspiration from the “Animal Crossing” game.

Both the games are easily accessible, but there is a different way to access both the game. The gameplay of “Animal Crossing” and “My Neighbor Alice” is very helpful in understanding the economic concepts virtually because both the games have some economy-related concepts, such as Rate of Interest, Stock Market, Supply and Demand, Fundraising, donating, etc. A teenager or an adult can learn and use the concepts to apply in the game, which can help them earn bells(Currency in Animal Crossing) and Alice token(Currency in My Neighbor Alice). Animal Crossing and My Neighbor Alice have very similar gameplay, but Animal Crossing is a Web 2 game while My Neighbor Alice is a Web 3 game.

The gameplay, economy, pros, and cons of “My Neighbor Alice”

“My Neighbor Alice” is a decentralized game that can be accessed by any player by paying a small amount of transaction. The currency of the game is the Alice token which can be used for purchasing and selling items available in the game. This game is inspired by Animal Crossing and the gameplay of Animal Crossing, and that is why it has similar features. My neighbor Alice also has economic activities, such as selling crafted items, domestication of animals, selling fruits, etc. This game is blockchain-based and social.

The gameplay of “My Neighbor Alice.”

In this game, Alice is responsible for taking care of an island but sells it to others. She thinks that she is not capable of managing a large island. So, the real-time player can purchase the island from Alice or the marketplace. The real-time player is present in the game through a virtual player who can access the game. The real-time player can choose the avatar. The player can modify the avatar by changing clothes and accessories. This player can then purchase land, animal, or other items in the game. This game has a currency called Alice token, which helps the player to perform trades or other transactions. A player can build and decorate a house using these tokens. A player can craft items and sell them or even charge for them. For example, suppose a player builds a museum, and then he can charge a fee to a visitor for visiting a museum. The player can also monetize their skill by creating crafted items that are designed with the help of the NFT creator.

The game has a token model and scarcity. Scarcity exists on different levels, such as scarcity in fixed supply of land, limited editions of items, and user-generated content. Hence, all the players will compete on the scarce assets available in the game.

The game primarily targets people interested in games, but other cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts can also take leverage of the marketplace provided in this game. The easy gameplay helps the player perform the transaction on the secured blockchain without knowing the technical things occurring behind it. Alice token can helps anyone with Cryptocurrency trading through this platform.

The game also has a DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization) model. The Alice token holders can get membership in a decentralized organization and vote for a proposal. It is an optional feature. There are some community council principles-

  1. Voluntary membership.
  2. Democratic member control.
  3. Autonomy and independence
  4. Education and Information
  5. Last is Community Cooperation.

The primary goal of a DAO is to bring digital democracy. The DAO can help the individual to vote for a proposal according to their independent perspective. So, DAO is one of the crucial parts of this game to bring democracy.


  • Game currency(Alice Token)will be transferable between ERC20 and the native Chromia token.
  • By completing the levels of the game, the player can earn an Alice token.
  • As the Alice token is transferable between ERC20 and the native Chromia token, it would pave the path for easy cryptocurrency trade.
  • The skills will be rewarded by other players on the nodes.
  • The marketplace does not have any influence, and the marketplace purely follows supply and demand.

Pros of “My neighbor Alice” game are:-

  • The game is decentralized. So there is no barrier, and anyone can access it with some ether transaction to begin the game.
  • The game provides a marketplace to perform cryptocurrency trade.
  • The real-time player skill will help him to earn money for their skills.
  • The decentralization will create transparency for all the participants available in the game.
  • Decentralization brings democratization.
  • The game is controlled by game players. So, the game will not be affected by a single server available on the network.
  • The game company can not influence the marketplace as it has a decentralized ownership feature.
  • Digital democracy is possible because of blockchain.

Cons of My Neighbour Alice:-

  • No one would be responsible in case of any dispute over the transaction.
  • The decentralized network may be slow to broadcast all the information to all the network nodes.

The gameplay, economy, pros, and cons of “Animal Crossing”

On the other hand, the Animal Crossing game is developed and published by Nintendo game. This game has both versions offline and online. A player can have a virtual human character in the game who lives in a village with various animals. The gameplay attracts many people because not only the game’s graphics but the relatable real-life activities are present in this game.

The gameplay of Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing gameplay is open-ended, and the real-time player does not have a single or set goal to clear. An individual can play the real-time game, and at the beginning of the game, the player can choose the name and gender of the virtual human player controlled by him. A real-time player has leverage to modify the appearance of the virtual character by buying, designing custom cloth, or changing the hairstyle of the virtual player. This player will live and spend time in a village. Therefore, he can spend time performing various activities in a virtual rural area, including collecting items, fishing, planting plants, bug-catching, and socializing. The socializing activity help to connect with more player on the platform, and social activity includes engaging in conversation, bartering, sending and receiving letters, or playing hide-and-seek.

In this game, people can also create their inventory and recipes. It is a centralized game which means a single company will have the control to access and view the transactions performed by real-time players.

The economy of Animal Crossing-

The real-time player can earn money in the game in various ways listed below-

  • A player can sell items to earn bells.
  • Selling the raw material can help the player to earn money.
  • Of course, similar to a real-economic activity selling crafted materials will bring more money than selling raw materials.
  • Grow fruits and vegetables and sell them. (Demand and supply)
  • The stock market in animal crossing can also help the player in earning money.
  • The money is called bells in Animal crossing.
  • Loans, fundraising, and donating are also possible in this game

Pros of Animal Crossing game are -

  • If any items are purchased or in case of dispute, the central authority can help.
  • Central authority can propagate information quickly as it has lots of computational resources.
  • The game is available for offline and online players.
  • The reversal of a transaction is possible if a wrong transaction occurs.

Cons of Animal Crossing game are -

  • The system is not decentralized. Therefore, a single authority controls its censorship and access.
  • The options for payment are limited, as it has only some options available.
  • No cryptocurrency trading is available on this platform.
  • If the central server goes down, then the whole working of the game will get affected.
  • The game company can influence the trade and assets available in the game.

One of the reasons is that it is played by a large number of people. It is relatable to many audiences and creates interest because these games are inspired by real-life activities.

Both the games have some similar and some different features.

By observing the above comparison, we can easily understand that the blockchain platform has its advantage and disadvantage. But the advantage of blockchain is much more as compared to the traditional platform. Hence the adoption of blockchain will bring decentralization, digital democracy, and transparency without the need for a single controlling company. These will also eliminate the influence of the big and single party on the marketplace.



Sumesh Kumar

Learned some performing art ,love to read about arts , science and current events.