COVID-19 affects mental health and disrupted human behavior

Sumesh Kumar
2 min readAug 14, 2021


WHO guidelines are still relevant to prevent ourselves from COVID-19 variants.

COVID prevalent worldwide led to losses of life and causes anxiety, fear, stress, emotional stress, mental health illness, irritation, etc. Coronavirus is a communicable disease and due to this, it disrupted the way of living of the people.

As guidelines suggested by WHO, wearing a mask, maintain social distancing, and hygiene was given for the safety of the people and containment of the virus. It also disrupted the behavior of the people as a study by PNAS(Proceeding of National Academy of Science) which shows that there is a drastic change in people’s behaviors such as rise in walking and biking, rise in online shopping, and reduction in air travel, tourism, and consumption of fashion-related items. This behavior and lockdown rendered affect the economy of the world. Affected economy results in unemployment, mental health illness, irritation, rise in domestic violence, closure of schools, rise in the emotional stress of children, etc.

But at this time, digital technology helped a lot as an alternative. People buy items online and using digital methods of payment such as Paytm, e-wallets, UPI, etc as its insight also given by the study of Kantar Group. It also helped in the sector of health and education as many people continued online classes and online consult about health. It makes it possible for many people to remain employed throughout these tough times. Work from home became the new normal.

However, there are some good thing also came in light due to lockdown, behavior, and COVID that we cannot deny. People became conscious about their health and became nutrition-oriented in terms of food items, competitive pharmacy sector became highly collaborative on research and development and developed many vaccines such as Sputnik V, Covaxin, AstraZeneca, research and development in the field of digital technology such as AI, machine learning, etc, reduction in environmental pollution.

We must not forget that this fight is against the mutant virus so it is necessary for safety for all people to still follow the guidelines of WHO so that it will not result in any further wave of this virus.



Sumesh Kumar

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